Giving Light


Kanndela Wellness and Wells of Dharma: A Partnership for Clean Water in India

At Kanndela Wellness, we are committed to making a positive impact on the world beyond wellness. In line with our values, we have partnered with Wells of Dharma, a remarkable non-profit organization dedicated to building wells in remote villages across India. This collaboration has enabled us to help construct a well that now provides clean, reliable water to a small village in India.

Addressing India's Water Crisis

India is home to 14% of the world's population but has access to only 4% of the planet’s fresh water. This significant imbalance has led to a severe water crisis, where hundreds of millions of people are compelled to rely on unsafe and unreliable water sources. The scarcity of clean water poses a major threat to health, well-being, and economic development in many communities.

Wells of Dharma: Making a Difference

Wells of Dharma is making strides in combating this critical issue by building wells that offer safe, clean water to those in need. Their mission resonates deeply with us at Kanndela Wellness, as we strive to "give light" and make a meaningful difference in any way we can.

Our Shared Vision

Our partnership with Wells of Dharma has allowed us to contribute to a solution for a global challenge. Through our collaboration, a new well now stands in a village, transforming the lives of its residents by providing a reliable source of clean water. What may seem like a small act of kindness to some can indeed make a profound difference to those who receive it.

We are immensely proud of this opportunity to support Wells of Dharma in their noble cause and are eager to see the continued positive impact of their work. We believe that access to clean water is a basic human right, and we are grateful to be a part of this initiative.

Join Us in Supporting Clean Water Access

We encourage you to learn more about Wells of Dharma and their efforts to bring safe drinking water to underserved communities. Together, we can contribute to a brighter, healthier future for many.

Thank you, Wells of Dharma, for this wonderful opportunity to make a difference. We look forward to seeing the positive changes that our partnership will continue to bring to communities in need.